Thursday, August 12, 2010

God is GOOD!

Adyn has been showing great improvement lately. He now goes every other week for therapy which is such a blessing after going every week. He continues to wear his Benkin vest and tot collar. The therapist said his walking looks great! She had told me a while ago that with his delays he would probably walk at 15mos. She was RIGHT! He really figured the walking thing out around 14-14 1/2mos. He now trys to run from me when I need him...such a little wild man!

On Monday Adyn had his recheck neurology appointment and everything went GREAT and he weighs 24lbs! I couldn't be more thankful that he is now discharged from seeing the neurologist. That's one appointment I can now take off our appointment list. I did mention he still has head nodding at times and he said all of his testing is normal and he's not sure what it can be. If his pediatrician is still concerned in October when we see her he would be more than happy to see him. He said the only other option we have is to put him in CHOA for a 24hr monitoring but that is not necessary. I try not to pay attention to it and not worry but deep inside I do. Adyn doesn't seem to do it as often as he was so that's a plus.

Adyn's speech is starting to come along which we were told once he starts walking it would. He says mama, dada, nana, attempts to say grandaddy, whoa and the past week it has sounded like he says wha you got, look I got, I got it...we aren't sure if he's really saying that but it sure does sound like it!
He's doing great and I'm so thankful for all the continued thought and prayers for Adyn!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

McKenzie Grace

McKenzie Grace Taylor is 3yrs old! Wow, time sure does go by fast. McKenzie has been so much fun & the BEST Big Sissy to Adyn!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Mommas mini shoot

I love, love, love my new camera. Did I mention I LOVE my camera?

"head nodding"

Are you ever left undiagnosed? Well, Adyn is with his "head nodding", as the doctor called it. Spoke to the doctor & he said the EEG was normal, he doesn't think it's any thing related to epilepsy & the only other thing to do would be to admit Adyn to CHOA in their EEG monitoring room for 24hrs. I do not find that necessary nor do I want to do that since all that would be done is another EEG & video. The doctor asked me to send in a video & I told him 3 have already been sent. I guess we will just wait & see if it goes away. Adyn's scheduled in August for his regular check-up with Dr. S so I'll just see if he's still doing it at that time. There is nothing worse than a doctor having no clue what it is & being left undiagnosed. I pulled up a video on You Tube (this is where the doctor wanted the videos uploaded & sent from) of a little girl doing the same thing. The mom never posted if she was ever diagnosed & the video was from 2006. I've said it once & I'll say it again I do not think it's anything serious but I want to know what's causing it. Like a friend said the other day "no news is good news" sometimes. I guess I'll just live by this for now. Until next time...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good 'ol doctors...

Do you ever get frustrated with a doctor's office? Adyn's EEG was done on Saturday. We were told we would hear from Dr. Silverboard Tuesday or Wednesday since he was not there at the time of the EEG. Well, it's now Thursday & I have yet to hear from him or his office. I called to ask about the EEG & see if Dr. S had a chance to review the video. The receptionist said the EEG was NORMAL! I figured it would be considering he had a normal MRI December 16, 2009. I asked what he thought about Adyn's head shaking, what may be causing it & why is it happening. Well, the only answer I got was the receptionist reading Adyn's chart from his appointment June 2nd. The head shaking started after that appointment & I'm assuming the doctor saw Adyn's EEG normal & left it at that. I know he has more severe patients to deal with but he ordered the EEG & I should receive an answer. I'm so frustrated paying these doctors & no answer. I know it's nothing serious but I want to know what it is. Hope to get a call back today or tomorrow morning. I've done all that I can & was asked to do, videos, EEG, appointment with the plastic surgeon, massaging his neck and an ER visit.
Ever feel like you have to vent a little?! Well, that's what the blog post was all about :)
Until next time...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday is therapy!

My Chunky Little Man!

Today Adyn had physical therapy. I wasn't sure how he would do since we've missed 2 weeks due to vacation but he did great! The therapist said he looks good & he even took 3-4 steps for her (she wasn't even trying to get him to walk). He's getting a little closer to walking each day. I'm ready for the walking but then again I'm not! My little man is growing up too quick. Adyn's therapist taped him today because his left ribs are turning out again. He has been taped a few times before. Once his head is straight his trunk area goes back to the way it was before. As I have mentioned before Adyn was also born with a rib that is very short & didn't form all the way. She doesn't think this has anything to do with it. I'm also hoping he doesn't have scoliosis. So far all the x-rays have been negative for that (recheck in September). But I still wonder about that because of this. Next week he will start wearing his Bendik vest again to straighten that out. Other than his trunk area he's looking great! He continues to do well with his stretching & I hope it stays that way.

I'm still waiting to hear from the neurologist on Adyn's EEG results & to see what he thinks. Adyn had 3-4 episodes yesterday. One of the times he did it was while he was wearing his tot collar & it forced his neck to stay up. Today he's done it about 4 times. I thought it was going away since he only had 1 episode Sunday. Who knows what it is? Some people think he's shaking his head "no" but he's not. I'll update as soon as I hear. Until next time...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

He likes to scare his Mama!

Before we left for vacation Dr. Pitts wanted us to take Adyn to Scottish Rite ER since his neurologist was out of town & we wouldn't hear from him until Monday. All the way to Florida & while we were there I just worried about my little man. The "tic"/"twitch" he would do just scared me & I really didn't think it was related to his torticollis like we were told. On Monday, June 20th the neurologist called & said to schedule an EEG to make sure it wasn't related to any type of seizure. We came home early from vacation & took Adyn to his plastic surgeon, Dr. Burstein before doing any testing with the neurologist. He said Adyn looked great & he's never seen that. Dr. B recommended us follow up with the neurologist because it has nothing to do with the torticollis.

On Saturday, June 26th we had Adyn's EEG & nothing abnormal was showing up (the doctor was not there but the lady doing the EEG said nothing was standing out to her). They were able to video Adyn having his "tic"/"twitch" while having the EEG. The doctor should be calling the beginning of the week to go over the results. It's the strangest thing & almost seems as if he's shaking his head no but he's not because there are times it involves his entire body. Today Adyn has had ONE episode of the "tic"/"twitch" so maybe it's something he's going to outgrow. I think he likes to scare me & make me worry! Hopefully he will continue only doing it once a day or even stop. I hope the neurologist has seen a child do this & will be able to diagnose what it is or know why it's happening. I'm just happy that he hasn't been doing it throughout the day & the EEG looked okay. Will update when I hear from the doctor. Until next time...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Just when you think you're catching a break...

Just a really quick update about today. I called Adyn's ped 1st thing this morn. advice nurse recomm. calling his neuro. who is out of town & I would not hear back until later today (they closed at 2) or until Mon. Unfortunately waiting until Mon. was not going to work since this "twitch" has gotten more frequent. So, I called the ped back she sent the dr. a msg. & he said to go to Scottish Rite ER. Went tonight & he was having his episode a lot while the dr. & 2 nurses were in the room. I hate to say this but I'm so glad that it was happening that way they could see what we were talking about. Our main question for the dr. was he has already had a normal mri is there any chance something could appear between then & now. She said no! She didn't think it was seizers bc he's conscious & his eyes are not glazed over. We talked about his surgery he had in Feb. for his torticollis & about his plagiocephaly. She then decided to call his plastic surgeon Dr. Burstein to see if he's heard of a child doing this after surgery. He was not the dr. on call but the dr. that was on call said it could be the scar tissue forming & causing a "cramp" which is why he's jerking his head to the left (it could be hurting when it happens). There is probably nerve irritation also. We were told to put warm compresses on it then motrin. More stretching & massaging which I've been doing but it seems to be bothering him. If it still persists in 2-3 day we are to call Dr. B back & he will prescribe a nerve medication (oh, I HATE giving my children medicine...just scares me so much). I'm just glad they are thinking it's related to his surgery & not seizers.
Oh, & I would like to mention after checking in a nurse weighed Adyn & got his history. I told her he was dx at 2mos w/torticollis, had the surgery in Feb 19, 2010, continues therapy at CHOA & this "twitching" may be related to his torticollis. She was so rude (I've never had a rude nurse at CHOA...maybe she was having a bad night?) & looked at me & said torticollis goes away it's just stiffness in the neck muscle...I said well, he STILL has torticollis. It was only the way she said it, it was her tone. Really, I think she needs to go back to school or do a little more research on torticollis bc it can cause more then just a little stiffness in the neck.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just another answered prayer

Today Adyn had his hearing test at ENT of Georgia with Dr. Browning at 1:30 p.m. First we saw an audiologist who was wonderful. She took us to the room & told me to sit in a chair that was in a box looking thing. Okay, if you are claustrophobic I would not recommend getting this hearing test which I think is called the behavioral audiometry. Luckily it did not bother me too much because both of my babies were with me & I could see the audiologist. She played a few sounds & Adyn was to turn his head towards each sound. He did great & turned towards every sound. She then placed little things into his ears to take pictures to make sure his ear drums were okay. Everything turned out great.
We saw Dr. Browning after the test & he was wonderful as well. He was recommended by my friend Jessica whose 2 kids had tubes done by him. He checked Adyn's ears & said he has little ear canals but everything look good & no fluid in the ears. After examining Adyn's ears he didn't seem concerned. He mentioned he doesn't know much about pediatric speech but from experience with family kids & his own they all do things at their own pace. I totally agreed with him! McKenzie did EVERYTHING so early where as Adyn hasn't. Adyn does say mama, dada, nana & babbles a lot (sometimes he gets so into it & I just wish I knew what all the babbling meant). The Babies Can't Wait therapist said once he gets his walking down his speech will come soon after that. I think she's right! Dr. B is sending a letter to Adyn's neurologist who referred Adyn to him. He said if he's still concerned the next step is an auditory brain stem response test. This test would require Adyn to be sedated. They place wires to the scalp & sounds are made into the ears. The test doesn't take that long but Dr. B said he highly doubt he would want that done. I hope he's right because I don't want Adyn to be sedated anymore plus all the other testing was normal. His speech will come soon enough & if not we will see a speech therapist I'm sure (I mean we have already seen every other specialist known).

I want to thank all of you who have been praying for Adyn & the family through this challenge. All prayers are being answered (Jeremiah 33:3)! I really appreciate all the thoughts & messages I get asking how Adyn's doing. PRAISE GOD! Until next time...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

We're getting through the challenge...

This morning Adyn had his 3 week helmet scan at Meridian Mark. 3 weeks ago he was at 6.9mm (which means the difference between the front right to back left & front left to back right of his head) and the scan today he was at 6.2mm! He had great improvement for 3 weeks. I am proud to tell you with tears he's now DISCHARGED from the helmet! After his appointment I called my mother-in-law and could barely tell her the great news because I was crying. It has been such an emotional 1st year. When Adyn first got the helmet I thought he was going to be in it for a year or longer. They could not tell me how long he would be in it because they didn't know how much growth he was going to have. He only wore the helmet for FOUR MONTHS! All my prayers have been answered. I was dreading it for him having to wear it all Summer but thankfully no more helmet. I really think things are starting to look up! Until next time...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My beautiful children

Things are looking up

Once again I have not had the time to update the blog. It has been a little over a month since I have been on here and wow have things changed. Adyn's doing great & McKenzie is getting to be such a big girl. I cannot believe that McKenzie is almost THREE & Adyn turned ONE in April. Where is the time going? Well, I'll update you on what has been going on...

  • Adyn's continuing physical therapy at CHOA once a week.
  • In March had a 6mo recheck with the orthopedic for scoliosis. Still doesn't think he has it but will recheck again in September
  • April 14, 2010 Adyn turned ONE! He had a great 1st birthday party on April 10, 2010 & enjoyed eating his smash cake.
  • April 15, 2010 Adyn had his 1 year check-up w/Dr. Evans. Everything went great but a heart murmur was heard for the first time.
  • April 26, 2010 appointment w/Sibley Heart Center. The doctor was not concerned but wants to recheck him if it's still heard when he's three. Dr. Evans is to keep an eye on it.
  • May 6, 2010 eye recheck to check his near & far sight. Recheck in September. The last tear duct surgery was successful :)
  • In April we received a letter stating that the neurologist that Adyn has been seeing at CHOA would be closing.
  • Helmet scan May 21, 2010. Adyn went from 10.7mm to 6.9mm in 4months! He has made such improvement & is now only wearing it at night. PTL!
  • June 2, 2010 Adyn saw his new neurologist & he had no concerns for Adyn except wanting him to have a hearing test. The hearing test is scheduled for June 17, 2010.
  • Babies Can't Wait came out on June 3, 2010 to evaluate Adyn for developmental delays. He was only delayed in problem solving but wasn't delayed that much to where he needs their services. He's doing great!
  • A 3wk recheck helmet scan June 10, 2010

Adyn is doing great! I am so thankful that he has been showing such great improvement. He's getting so close to walking. Since he got his helmet off he has been saying more things & doing a lot more. He now says mama, dada, nana & attempts to say grandaddy, waves, claps his hands & knows how to get all over the place! Boy is he a handful! He's so sweet & such a joy.

McKenzie has been doing great & being so good to be dragged to all his appointments. She's having her 3rd birthday party soon at Chuck-e-Cheese & very excited about it! She recently had a photo shoot with Helmuth Photography for Classy Sassy Girls ( website soon & This was her first photo shoot & I was amazed at how well she did. She met a new little friend that was her age & enjoyed playing with her in between getting her pictures taken. The photographer took great pictures & her office is filled with amazing photos. I'm going to send updated pictures of her & Adyn to Babes N Beaus & keep my fingers crossed we get a call! Adyn got one call a while ago but that same day found out he had strep so no wonder he wasn't his smiley self.

Sorry I did not go into details about Adyn's appointments. I'm trying to do a quick update while he naps. I think for Adyn's 2nd birthday I'm going to make a book out of what I have blogged so far!

Thanks for all your continued prayers & thoughts. I will post a few pictures above of McKenzie & Adyn. Until next time...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time for an update!

Once again I have not had time to update my blog. About 2 weeks ago Adyn had his scan recheck at Meridian Mark for his helmet. Before going into the room I was asked if I would mind if they took pictures since he's so cute & they love that I have wrote "It's OK To Ask" on his helmet. Of course I did not mind! The pictures they took will be used for brochures, advertisements, etc. McKenzie, Adyn and I were in the pictures. I felt so honored that they chose Adyn out of all their "helmet" patients. His scan did go well and he has shown improvement but will be in the helmet a little longer due to the torticollis. She did say there will be a time where he will only wear it at night which was a relief since he gets so hot in it and Summer is around the corner.

Adyn had his plastic surgeon recheck appointment today and he's doing great. Dr. B doesn't feel he needs the Botox treatments which was what I was wanting to hear. I am so worried about stuff like that since he's so little. He will not need to see him until next April!

He's doing great, talking, pulling up and cruising along the tables! He's definitely more of a handful then McKenzie was. Oh, and I can't forget to tell you I think his 2nd tear duct surgery worked! PTL!

Just a quick update while the babies are napping.

Friday, April 9, 2010

He's a tough little boy

Adyn had surgery on February 18th for his blocked tear duct in the right eye. Within 7 days it should've look like his left eye. Well, of course it didn't. He had his 2nd surgery for the blocked tear duct today. Today's pocedure was called a Lacricath and they put a balloon and catheter in. If this does not work he will have a stint put in. Lots of prayers being said because I do not want to have to put him under again. Adyn did good with the surgery but had a few problems after surgery. When they brough him back to the room within 5-10 minutes his oxygen level started dropping. His level went from around 98 to 70. 3 nurses rushed in and he started to turn blue. I was scared to death. One of the nurses put the oxygen on him for a while and he was back up to 98-100. After getting his oxygen level under control he slept for about 45 minutes. Other than that Adyn did great with the surgery and his eye looks a lot better. I just have time for a quick update on him!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Toes in the sand...

We cannot wait for our family beach vacation in June. I am ready to have a week of no appointments and relaxation. McKenzie is going to have a blast and I'm sure Adyn will too. McKenzie was 13 mos at her 1st visit to the beach (I was 6 wks prego w/Adyn) and Adyn will be 14 mos. We booked our condo yesterday. We decided to get a ground floor so McKenzie will be able to run around while we are at the condo. Hopefully Adyn will be trying to walk by then but I'm not pushing it. He gets into so much more then McKenzie ever did!

Adyn's doing great. He had his orthopedic recheck last week to recheck scoliosis and so far the dr. is thinking he doesn't have it but will recheck in 6 mos. He also had a great physical therapy appt. today. The therapist measured him today and he is progressing very well, yay!

Check back for more updates!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Where have I been?

Well, I have not had any time lately to update the blog. I thought March was going to be a little less overwhelming but I thought wrong. This week Adyn had 4 appointment and next week is the same (well, 1 of the 4 is for me). The following week is just therapy so hopefully I will be able to relax.

I know you are probably wondering how Adyn has been doing. He's doing great! He pulls up on everything and crawls so fast. I am surprised I'm not skinny having to chase after him all the time. He definitely gets into more things then we remember McKenzie getting into. Zach seems to think it's because we only had her to watch and it was easier. Maybe he's right?

Adyn started physical therapy back last week. His therapist could definitely tell his facial structure looked a lot better but couldn't really tell in his neck (I thought that was a little crazy because I could definitely tell he wasn't as tight). She also wanted Adyn to crawl on all 4's but he knows how to get around army crawling and he isn't going to change because she wants him to. Our pediatrician told me not to worry about that because some babies never crawl. Adyn's physical therapy appointment this week went a lot better then last week. She could tell an improvement in him. Adyn had his 2 week recheck for his helmet yesterday and he's doing great with that. He will go back in 2 weeks for a recheck and on April 7th have the scan done again. Hopefully after the scan they will be able to give us an answer on how much longer he will be wearing it. After his scar heals his therapist is going to try the tot collar (which forces his neck to stay straight) and he will be out of the helmet 3 hours a day instead of 1. I'm not too sure how Adyn will like that because he misses his helmet when I take it off. He's such a good boy!

You're probably wondering how Adyn's eye doing since surgery. Well, surgery did help his blocked tear duct a lot but not 100%. There's a 95% success rate for the surgery and I guess Adyn is that 5% (he likes to be difficult, ha ha) where it doesn't clear it like it should. I had to take him back for a recheck yesterday because after being on an antibiotic and a steroid it didn't help. Dr. S put some kind of drops in each eye that are yellow and waited 5 minutes and checked his eyes and nose. The left eye cleared and showed no yellow but the right still had some which let her know he still has blockage in that eye. He will have yet another surgery but this surgery will take a little longer. It's called a Lacricath procedure (lacricath balloon dilation). She will pass the probe like she did for the 1st surgery then the lacricath balloon catheter is passed into the tear duct and inflated. The balloon allows the blocked tear duct be opened. After it's opened she will removed the balloon and catheter. Hopefully this will work because if it doesn't he will have to have a stint placed for 6 months then removed. Please continue the prayers for little man! When Dr. S told me he was going to have another surgery I just wasn't shocked. It just seems once I think things are settling down something else is put on me. He's so worth every bit we've been through but I am ready for a break. Some days I just wonder will I ever catch a break from appointment and procedures. I keep telling myself all I can do is put it in God's hands and continue my praying.

On Wednesday Adyn had his 1 month weight recheck and he gained 1lbs 5oz. He now weighs 19lbs 3oz (McKenzie was 19lbs 5oz at her 9 month). He has gone from 9% to 12%. Hopefully he will be where she wants him for his 12 month check up because if not he will be put on Pedisure (I think that's what it's called) and may have to see a nutritionist (I don't want another appointment added to my schedule).

Other than appointments and surgery being scheduled we are all doing well. McKenzie has a "big girl" bike and is doing great. She is also being potty trained! Whew, I never though this day would come. She's been such a big sissy and loves Adyn so much. Some times she thinks he's bigger than he is and tries to ride him like a horse. It's so funny but that's all I need is for her to break his back, ha ha ha! One day I bet he's going to out grow her and she will be able to do that but he's too little right now.
Some updated pictures:

Friday, February 26, 2010

The collar's off & the helmet's on

Thursday morning I was able to take Adyn's soft collar off and put his helmet on 20 minutes prior to his appointment. His appointment went well. He wore it for 4hrs yesterday, 16hrs today and back to 23hrs a day Saturday. He has adjusted very well and still hasn't cried about it. I thought it was going to hurt his neck but it hasn't. She shaved some of the inside of the helmet so it wasn't pushing on his incision site. In 6wks Adyn will have the scan again to see where he's at with his measurements. I am hoping after that appointment they will be able to give me an estimate as to how long he will be in it. I hope he's out of it before summer.
Just a short update on Adyn!

Picture of Adyn before his appointment on Thursday 2/25/10, a before & after surgery picture, incision site and bruising of the stern. muscle

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

After almost 4 yrs...

...our living room and hallway are painted. It's amazing how just painting a room can make such a difference. With a toddler they were looking pretty bad so we decided to go ahead and paint before Adyn's walking and putting his little fingers all over them.
While playing in the bonus room while the guys were painting McKenzie tripped over her baby doll and bumped her little nose on the edge of the toy box. I thought she broke her nose but it's just a little red and bruised. The night before I had bought her new Dora "bamb-aides" (yes, that's what McKenzie calls them) so she put one on her nose. It was so funny but it made her feel so much better!
Adyn's still doing well and the insision site looks good. I took him and McKenzie to the park again today. I'm so ready for Spring to get here. I hate being in the house all day every day.
Pictures of our hallway painted, Adyn & McKenzie w/her "bamb-aide"

Monday, February 22, 2010

He's been a trooper

Adyn has been doing great. Saturday he had his first bath since surgery. He did very well but mommy was nervous. The insion site looks a little better then it did the day after surgery. I think he may have had a little reaction to the stiches but he's doing well now. Each day he gets around a little better. We spent Friday afternoon and most of Saturday and Sunday outside. Sunday I took him and McKenzie to the park which was fun and nice to get out of the house for some fresh air. Friday Adyn started waving bye-bye and he also learned how to do milk in sign language.
Thursday he has his recheck for his helmet and I'm able to take his collar off 2 hours prior to the appointment to put his helmet on. I hope he will adjust well going back into it.
There's not too much to update on but Adyn's doing well!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A relief

I'm so glad surgery is over for my sweet little man. I've been so worried and hardly slept any last night. I'm beyond exhausted! We were scheduled to be at Meridian Mark at 8 A.M. and surgery was to start at 9:35 A.M. I think they were running a little behind but I was in no rush. I wanted them to take their time with the other patients as well as my little man. Dr. Burstein, his nurse practitioner, Dr. Salit and the anesthesiologist came in to talk with us briefly before going back to the OR. I was able to carry Adyn to the back and stay with him for a minute. I held it together better than I thought. They didn't do an IV in front of me and I think that really helped me keep it together. They also put a mask over his face to put him off to sleep which looked like he was just taking his Albuterol treatment. After taking him to the OR we were moved to the post-op room where we waited for them to bring my little angel to me. We were also happy to have Nana there to support us. It's always nice to have someone to kind of keep your mind off everything.
In less than 5 minutes of being in the post-op room Dr. Salit came in to tell us Adyn did great with the clearing of his blocked tear duct. And in less than a hour Dr. Burstein came in. He showed us pictures of before and after the muscle release. Adyn did have scarred muscle tissue, which therapy probably wouldn't have never corrected his neck with that being there. Dr. Burstein said Adyn barley had any bleeding which was great. He was able to save some of his nerves. When we got home I looked at the incision and it is a little bigger than I thought but that's okay. He wants us to start therapy in a week, which we are scheduled to start back on March 2nd. Adyn will see Dr. Burstein for a recheck in 2-3 weeks.
I was so happy to see them bring Adyn back to me. He was snoozing good and looked comfortable so we kept him in the bed wrapped up until he woke up on his own. He didn't wake up as quick as I thought he would have. Once he woke up I picked him up and tried giving him Gerber Apple Juice. He kept crying off and on which worried me that something was hurting him. We had a little boy in the room next to us that was crying continuously and it seemed Adyn started when he stopped. I guess the nurses are use to that happening. His cry was a little raspy and had some congestion from the tube in his throat. The nurse picked him up and held him over her shoulder to clear some of it out. Since he drank a little apple juice I was able to give him formula. He loved the bottle! I'm sure he was starving since he had not ate since Wednesday at 8 P.M. and it was around 12 P.M. After his bottle he fell asleep for a little bit then woke up and we were ready to be discharged. He did very well on the ride to GG's to get Big Sissy. She was happy to see her brother and held his hand all the way home! Since we've been home he's been a little sleepy but doing very well. 2 prescriptions were given, Tylenol with codeine and an antibiotic. I will keep updates on how Adyn's doing.
Oh, and while waiting in the waiting room there was a little boy probably 5/6 yrs old with a tilt and holding his shoulder up. I told Zach I bet he has torticollis (he thought I was crazy but I can point it out now) and sure enough he was having surgery with Dr. B. I'm so thankful we caught Adyn's so young. The little boy looked so uncomfortable but he may not know any different. Just thought I would share that!
Thank you for all the calls, e-mails, prayers and thoughts. Here's the link to pictures from today
(update: Adyn was given his Tylenol around 4:15 P.M. and I had to wake him up around 7:30 P.M. to eat. He probably would have slept until tomorrow morning but he didn't eat much today. He's still seems to be doing good. He keeps trying to crawl but it seems to be a little difficult with the neck collar on. Adyn is also a little "tt" thing today because of all the fluids to keep him well hydrated! Keep him in your prayers for a speedy recovery! :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Almost time for therapy again

I got a call today from Adyn's physical therapist to see how he was doing and to get the surgery date again. She went ahead and put him on the schedule to start back on March 2nd. I'm so excited to have him start back. I got into a routine of going every week then we stopped and I was lost. We stopped therapy because we wanted to save his visits for after surgery when he would really need them. I cannot stop thinking about his surgery being this week. I remember when I took Adyn to his consultation for his torticollis and the therapist mentioned sometimes they need surgery when they are one if therapy doesn't correct it. Well, he's not one but the time is here for him to have surgery. Please continue all your thoughts and prayers. I will update some time Thursday about surgery and post a few pictures.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Yes, we have snow in Georgia!

Well, normally I'm not one of those people that hear the word "snow" and dash to the grocery store. Yesterday was a different story. I watched the 12 o/c news and saw all the snow headed our way. I got the kids dressed and ran up to Kroger just like the million other people. It wasn't snowing when we went in but when we came out it was snowing pretty good. McKenzie was so excited jumping up and down yelling "snow, snow yay". Well, I planned on taking her out when Zach got home but it took him 5 hours to get home. There were so many wreck and traffic on the interstate.
This morning we all went out in the snow and played. McKenzie loved it! She helped a little on the 8 1/2 ft snowman Zach built. He used the crane on his truck to lift the big pieces of snow. Yes, redneck but we have a huge snowman now! Most of the snow has already started to melt but I think more is on its way.