Sunday, June 27, 2010

He likes to scare his Mama!

Before we left for vacation Dr. Pitts wanted us to take Adyn to Scottish Rite ER since his neurologist was out of town & we wouldn't hear from him until Monday. All the way to Florida & while we were there I just worried about my little man. The "tic"/"twitch" he would do just scared me & I really didn't think it was related to his torticollis like we were told. On Monday, June 20th the neurologist called & said to schedule an EEG to make sure it wasn't related to any type of seizure. We came home early from vacation & took Adyn to his plastic surgeon, Dr. Burstein before doing any testing with the neurologist. He said Adyn looked great & he's never seen that. Dr. B recommended us follow up with the neurologist because it has nothing to do with the torticollis.

On Saturday, June 26th we had Adyn's EEG & nothing abnormal was showing up (the doctor was not there but the lady doing the EEG said nothing was standing out to her). They were able to video Adyn having his "tic"/"twitch" while having the EEG. The doctor should be calling the beginning of the week to go over the results. It's the strangest thing & almost seems as if he's shaking his head no but he's not because there are times it involves his entire body. Today Adyn has had ONE episode of the "tic"/"twitch" so maybe it's something he's going to outgrow. I think he likes to scare me & make me worry! Hopefully he will continue only doing it once a day or even stop. I hope the neurologist has seen a child do this & will be able to diagnose what it is or know why it's happening. I'm just happy that he hasn't been doing it throughout the day & the EEG looked okay. Will update when I hear from the doctor. Until next time...

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