Thursday, February 11, 2010


AHH, I can't believe Adyn's surgery is ONE WEEK away. It's really starting to get to me but I know he's going to feel so much better...his neck & eye. We had pre-op with the eye doctor today and it was so much better than the so called pre-op with the plastic surgeon or should I say the plastic surgeons assistant. Dr. S explained the surgery and it should only take about 10 minutes to do which is great but his torticollis surgery will take 1hr- 1 1/2. The success rate to clear the blocked tear duct is about 95% and his right eye should look like his left in about a week after surgery. I'm getting so anxious! I'm still trying to figure out how we are going to get there by 7 A.M. on the 18th. Please continue all the thoughts and prayers!

Adyn also had his 2 week recheck for his helmet today. She could tell he's progressing which is great! We have another recheck in 2 weeks but he will be out of the helmet for a week after surgery due to the neck brace he will be wearing. Hopefully he won't mind going back into the helmet after that week.

Other than appointments Adyn and McKenzie are doing great!

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