Sunday, February 7, 2010

Another week

We had another great weekend! Saturday we to our twin nephews basketball game. They did great and won their game, yay! McKenzie and Adyn were really good. I was a little worried McKenzie would act up and want to play too. I can't wait to sign McKenzie up for sports. Today we went to Home Depot today to get paint so I can paint the spare bathroom. For the first time we had someone come up and read Adyn's helmet that reads "It's OK To Ask". It was an older guy that works there and he asked if I would mind explaining why he was wearing it and I said not at all that's why I have it on there. I would much rather someone ask then stare wondering what the heck is his mama thinkin! He said it's great that you have something you can "fix" rather than a sickness he will have to deal with all his life. He thought it was very interesting. That's all I want is someone to ASK! Please, don't stare I don't mind explaining everything briefly.

Well, onto the appointments...Tuesday McKenzie has her 6 month dental check up. I think the last time I took her to the doctor was when Adyn was born. She thinks they are going to put "sprinkles" on her teeth and she's excited to watch a movie while they clean them. I'm hoping she does good.

Adyn has two appointments on Thursday. His first appointment is his two week recheck for his helmet. I can't wait to tell her how well he's been doing. Adyn's second appointment is his pre-op at the eye doctor. I can't believe surgery is ONE WEEK from Thursday. I'm so ready for his eye to get cleared up. His eyelid is starting to turn red and irritated looking. Poor little guy!

Continue your thoughts and prayers...
11 days until Adyn's surgery

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