On Monday Adyn had his recheck neurology appointment and everything went GREAT and he weighs 24lbs! I couldn't be more thankful that he is now discharged from seeing the neurologist. That's one appointment I can now take off our appointment list. I did mention he still has head nodding at times and he said all of his testing is normal and he's not sure what it can be. If his pediatrician is still concerned in October when we see her he would be more than happy to see him. He said the only other option we have is to put him in CHOA for a 24hr monitoring but that is not necessary. I try not to pay attention to it and not worry but deep inside I do. Adyn doesn't seem to do it as often as he was so that's a plus.
Adyn's speech is starting to come along which we were told once he starts walking it would. He says mama, dada, nana, attempts to say grandaddy, whoa and the past week it has sounded like he says wha you got, look I got, I got it...we aren't sure if he's really saying that but it sure does sound like it!
He's doing great and I'm so thankful for all the continued thought and prayers for Adyn!